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Become a Personal Trainer, with our - Elite Trainer Program
(Combined Certificates III and IV in Fitness)

The Elite Trainer Program combines both Certificate III in Fitness and Certificate IV in Fitness to provide students with the gold standard in fitness education. At the end of this course you will be able to work across all aspects of the fitness industry in roles such as a gym instructor to personal trainer, and more. 


This course is offered across our blended (online/face to face) campuses, and is taught in a cross between our live webinars, on campus practical sessions, and online videos/assessments.


Providing suitable options for those that would opt for face to face learning, it provides the ultimate in structure and support with your own tutor in addition your gym mentor/teacher and access to trainers through live webinars.


Why do a combined certificate III and IV course?

Within the fitness industry it is a minimum requirement to be a certificate IV qualified fitness professional in order to conduct one on one personal training sessions, which in itself carries pre-requisites from certificate III. In completing the combined course, you will save yourself both time and money, by learning all the skills required from start to finish in a structured methodology allowing continuation across skill sets and development of business acumen, to strengthen your knowledge through progressive training and further enhance your own career prospects.


In completing a standalone certificate III in fitness you will be able to conduct group fitness sessions, and instruct programs within gyms, however the addition of certificate IV allows far greater opportunities, prospects and learning opportunities in the immediate .


The bonus of completing the Elite Trainer Program!

This course is designed for future industry professionals seeking a head start over their rivals, and has been designed with your career in mind.


In undertaking the Elite Trainer Program, you will also receive:


  • Kettlebell Foundations (online short course) - An introduction to training clients and groups with popular kettlebell training methods brought to you by our partner organisation The Unconventional Training Academy.

  • The Business of Fitness - Exclusive business start up guide by The Institute of Elite Fitness Professionals CEO, Andy Moriarty. Developed after 10 years working as a personal trainer, educating and mentoring trainers, and owning his own fitness facility, built and developed from the ground up, this guide gives you the head start on building a successful business that other courses don't.

  • The Rent Based Trainer Start up Guide - A comprehensive guide for qualified trainers who step straight into a rent based environment. Experienced industry advice on how to succeed and turn your new skills and qualifications into a highly successful fitness career inside a gym or fitness facility.


How is the course delivered?


Face to Face/Blended:

Training is delivered via a blended (with face-to-face and online) method.


Locations: We have sites across multiple states, and growing.


Practical Course Duration (face to face): This course is taught over two 12 week block, one for each course. During the Certificate III block you have 6 face to face sessions (fortnightly), which are 5 hours each. In addition to this there is a weekly virtual session (webinar), which helps keep everything on track. Our Certificate IV follows a similar structure, with 12 webinars over the 12 weeks, however the Certificate IV course consists of 4 face to face sessions, again 5 hours each. This practical course contains components relevant to both Certificate III and Certificate IV in addition to work carried out in the learner portal.


Online Learner Portal: Materials, Assessments and more are also provided online, to be completed in your own time. The course duration will vary on personal circumstance and availability. It is always suggested to discuss this with one of our advisors to find out more.


As part of the Elite Mentoring Package we also like to ensure our students are set up post qualification to continue developing their skills. As part of this all students completing the Face to Face Package will also receive:


  • Barbell Training (online short course)- Take a deep dive into the world of the barbell and break down the traditional use of the barbell, provided online through The Unconventional Training Academy.

  • A choice of either:

    • Integrated Corrective Specialist course - Creating an in depth understanding of your clients needs, and find the varying ways to cater form them, through specialist movement techniques, using varying equipment. This is an optional course that can be completed post qualification (valued at $2,500), or

    • Functional Movement Training - Understanding training principles across a broad range of functional movement patterns, assisting client with long term training plans, provided online through The Unconventional Training Academy.


Further study options for combined Cert III and IV:

Self Paced, Online Only:

This study option is suitable for those that can't attend face to face sessions, and are happy going at it in their own time. This option requires dedication, and organisation to work through the course at your own pace.


As part of the course you are required to complete a log book (work placement hours) for both Certificate III and IV (a total of 70 hours), which must take place under the guidance of a qualified and experienced fitness professional. It is advised that you determine your location and designated fitness professional prior to undertaking the course.


This option also requires video submission for assessments at times, however we also provide further options in the event that the log book and video submission can't be completed with assessment weekends at one of our host gym locations. This may be undertaken for an additional fee, if you have a nearby location, and we have an upcoming suitable date.


These dates occur throughout the year and you will be required to complete a minimum number of tasks before undertaking these assessments.


As part of this study option in addition to an online learner platform, with all course materials and assessments, you will also be provided with access to the national online facebook group offering the opportunity to ask questions when required to IEFP supervisors and fellow students.


Elite Mentor Package:

Training is delivered both online, and in conjunction with your course mentor. IEFP works with you to ensure you have a mentor to successfully complete your course, who will work with your dedicated IEFP supervisor to ensure you are kept on the path to success.


Online Learner Portal: Materials, Videos, Assessments and more are provided online, to be completed in your own time. The course duration will vary on personal circumstance and availability (self-paced). It is always suggested to discuss this with one of our advisors to find out more.


Both Certificate III and Certificate IV require all students to undertake a placement with a mentor as part of further learning and the opportunity to complete set tasks under the supervision of a qualified fitness instructor. This requires a total of 70 hours to be completed, which also entails your mentor providing the opportunity to complete your practical tasks.


In addition to this students are offered 10 x 30 minute online sessions per certificate with your supervisor, to assist and guide you throughout your learning experience.


Within the Elite Mentor Program you will also be provided with access to our national online group, with one weekly (one hour) Q&A, access to our online group for face to face and mentor students to ask questions, share ideas and communicate throughout the duration of the course, plus:


  • Barbell Training (online short course)- Take a deep dive into the world of the barbell and break down the traditional use of the barbell, provided online through The Unconventional Training Academy.

  • IEFP 6 months Mentor Program - Post qualification mentorship, designed to help all qualifying students. Don't get left in the dark, wondering what your next step will be. We provide further support and advice once you're qualified to assist you on your path within the fitness industry. This program provides qualified fitness professionals with:

    • 6 months access to the following:

      • Fortnightly 30 minute (12 in total) mentor meeting sessions, with an IEFP business mentor

      • Ability to ask 5 questions per week to your mentor on anything business or training related.

      • Access to a 2 hour start up session with your mentor, at the start of your 6 months, and a 2 hour business review post mentorship to help guide you on your path to success.

  • A choice of either:

    • Integrated Corrective Specialist course - Creating an in depth understanding of your clients needs, and find the varying ways to cater form them, through specialist movement techniques, using varying equipment. This is an optional course that can be completed post qualification (valued at $2,500), or

    • Functional Movement Training - Understanding training principles across a broad range of functional movement patterns, assisting client with long term training plans, provided online through The Unconventional Training Academy.


Course Duration: Learners are provided with up to 48 weeks to complete each of the two certificates across all study modes, however actual completion times will vary greatly according to the individual learner and their own schedule.


Please read the Institute of Elite Fitness Professionals Student Handbook and other policies and procedures including Refund Policy, Complaints and Appeals Policy, RPL Procedure prior to enrolling.


What will you learn?

This course is designed to develop your expertise in fitness. Among others, you will learn to: 

  • Instruct initial consults and gym orientations

  • Develop and instruct gym based exercise programs

  • Develop and instruct group exercise sessions

  • Identify risk and apply risk management processes

  • Assess client movement

  • Provide and support healthy eating information to clients

  • Develop and instruct personalised programming and session delivery for client goals (Personal Training)

  • Develop and instruct strength and conditioning techniques

  • Plan and instruct online exercise sessions (online group and one on one personal training)

  • Develop business plans

  • Establish legal requirements for new business ventures

  • Market new business ventures


How is the course Assessed?

All learners will be assessed through the following methods:

  • Observation during role play/simulation

  • Questioning may include self-assessment, verbal answers, written questionnaires, activity modules or interview

  • Structured Activities may include Projects, Case studies, presentations, role play, demonstration, progressive tasks

  • Video submission - Observation (self-paced learning only)


Do we have any more physical locations?

There will be no further locations across 2023/24 delivering the IEFP Elite Trainer program, however multiple locations will be are currently available. If you wish to see us come to your area be sure to get in touch and let us know.



What units will be covered?

This course covers all units linked to both SIS30321, Certificate III in Fitness and SIS40221, Certificate IV in Fitness (See Below)


SIS30321 - Certificate III in Fitness

Core Units:

  • BSBOPS304 – Deliver and monitor a service to customers

  • BSBPEF301 – Organise personal work priorities

  • HLTWHS001 – Participate in workplace health and safety

  • SISFFIT032 – Complete pre-exercise screening and service orientation

  • SISFFIT033 – Complete client fitness assessments

  • SISFFIT035 – Plan group exercise sessions

  • SISFFIT036 – Instruct group exercise sessions

  • SISFFIT040 – Develop and instruct gym-based exercise programs for individual clients

  • SISFFIT047 – Use anatomy and physiology knowledge to support safe and effective exercise

  • SISFFIT052 – Provide healthy eating information


  • *HLTAID011 – Provide First Aid* Is a requirement for completion of certificate III, however this is to be obtained externally. IEFP can assist you in finding a provider to complete this short course.

Elective units:

  • SISFFIT034 – Assess client movement and provide exercise advice

  • SISXCAI009 – Instruct strength and conditioning techniques

  • SISXIND009 – Respond to interpersonal conflict

  • BSBXTW301 – Work in a team


SIS40221 - Certificate IV in Fitness

Core Units:

  • CHCCOM006 – Establish and manage client relationships

  • SISFFIT041 – Develop personalised exercise programs

  • SISFFIT042 – Instruct personalised exercise sessions

  • SISFFIT043 – Develop and instruct personalised exercise programs for body
    composition goals

  • SISFFIT044 – Develop and instruct personalised exercise programs for older clients

  • SISFFIT045 – Develop and instruct personalised exercise programs for adolescent clients

  • SISFFIT049 – Use exercise science principles in fitness instruction

  • SISFFIT050 – Support exercise behaviour change

  • SISFFIT051 – Establish and maintain professional practice for fitness instruction

  • SISFFIT053 – Support healthy eating for individual fitness clients

Elective units:

  • SISFFIT034 – Assess client movement and provide exercise advice

  • SISFFIT046 – Plan and instruct online exercise sessions

  • SISXCAI009 – Instruct strength and conditioning techniques

  • SIRXOSM005 – Develop a basic website for customer engagement

  • BSBESB401 - Research and develop business plans

  • BSBESB402 - Establish legal and risk management requirements of new business ventures

  • BSBESB404 - Market new business ventures


What are the course fees?

Course Fees vary, depending on your chosen method of payment and course (online, face to face, or elite mentor).


This includes short term and longer term payment plan options suited to help everyone start their journey into the fitness industry.

Enquire now to find out more!


© 2024 Institute of Elite Fitness Professionals

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